About Us                                        


Norwegian Forest Cats

Elinor Herbert
9 Muirfield St,Kirkcaldy
Tel: 01592 267002

 Elfentanz is Scotland's first breeder of Norwegian Forest cats

Hello folks...
My name is
Elinor Herbert, prefix Elfentanz, and I bought my first Norwegian Forest cat in 1990. Her name is Tarrakatt Sort Berit who is now a Grand Matriarch of many famous cats, some of whom are Champions, Premiers and Grand Premiers. It was in 1992 that I bred my first litter, under the GCCF prefix of Addeilo of that year, as I had not yet received my Elfentanz prefix. From that litter I still have the famous Addeilo Tryggve, a large brown tabby neuter boy who weighs 9 kg, and his sister Addeilo Katja (sire - Torv Hede's Zenobius) who has had six litters and is also a Grand Matriarch.

Member of NFCC since 1990

Member of Norsk Skogkatt Society since 1997

Elinor M B Herbert LTCL is also:
Teacher of pianoforte, organ and keyboard

Professional keyboard player

Backing cabaret
Examinations in Pianoforte
Examinations in Theory of Music
Associated Board, London